Once-a-month. Always different.

Each month features a new venerable celebrity guest judge for

 a surprise creative prompt to invent a new experience. 
Then laugh with other creators as they attempt to do the same.
Sharpies provided. Cocktails encouraged.

Plus all the goofy club traditions, secret-handshakes, 

and purple velvet jackets you'd expect in a creativity social club.
Welcome to the club, you Imagi-Ne'er-Do-Wells. 

Imagi-Ne'er-Do-Wells is now FIRST TUESDAY of every month
with ticket drop & celebrity judge notifications via email & instagram.


Please choose a date


** Please be aware, each month's meeting may later be rebroadcast as a podcast. By attending you agree you're cool with us featuring your voice, image and any original creations you elect to share.

All submissions in the game are anonymous. But if you win we won't shut up about it.


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  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
  • Discover
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